Over the summer I ran the kid’s camp for my academy. The day was 8:30 am-5pm plus the classes that I had to teach afterward. This didn’t give me a lot of time to cook. So ended up eating out more or getting delivery for lunch. I was spending more money than I wanted and not eating as healthy as I would prefer. But while researching the Whole30 again I found a meal prep service called Territory Foods.
Territory Foods combines the recipes of chefs with the nutritional knowledge of dietitians using fresh local ingredients. Plus they deliver them right to your door. These aren’t frozen meals. These are the fresh meal with no preservatives that you can reheat or eat as is. Plus the are multiple diet plans that can fit your lifestyle.
During the summer camp, I opted for the Whole30 option, three meals a day with the standard portion. It ends up being about $12 a meal. Which I know sounds like a lot, but when you factor in time, energy, shopping, cooking, and just thinking about “What am I going to eat today?” $12 doesn’t seem like a lot.
After the summer camp was over I kept the Territory Food plan but changed to low carb for just lunch and dinner. I no longer had to wait to till I got home after training to eat. I would just eat my meal after training at the gym and I would be good to go.
Did I mention the food is really tasty? This is not your boring health food. These are recipes developed by chefs. The meals change week to week too. So you never get bored.
I would highly recommend Territory Foods. If your busy but still want to eat healthily. It is a great option for putting more time back into your day. Just a little Foodjitsu!
Interested in signing up for Territory Foods? Click the Link below and receive a free meal on your first order.