Hello all philosophers and fighters. It’s being sick is the worst…The first year that I taught the Junior Jiu Jitsu class I got sick all the time. Probably because I was around children all the time. Since then I almost never get sick or at least I don’t let myself get sick. But last Sunday and Monday I had the pleasure of getting the flu that everyone seems to be getting, thanks to the wonderful weather we have been having. By mid week I was back to training because I actually got rest.
On a completely different note…Tony won his fight last Saturday at AMTL and guess what he had the flu too! Regardless he won by decision and I am very proud of him.
- Sick!!!!
- Also Sick!!!
- Kid’s Jiu Jitsu-
- Low Kick Defense
- Regain the guard from crossbody
- Kid’s Muay Thai-
- Boxing to Elbows
- Clinch Work
- Adult Muay Thai-
- Boxing 20
- Clinch Work
- Kali:
- Single Stick basic stroking patterns
- TSC Prep @ Old Glory-
- Front Squat-
- 4 reps @ 95 lb
- 4 reps @ 115 lb
- 4 reps @ 135 lb
- Back Squat-
- 3 sets of 4 reps @ 155 lb
- Pull Ups-
- 3 sets of 3 reps
- OH Lunges-
- 3/3 @ 24 kg
- 6/6, 6/6 @ 20 kg
- Kettle Bell Press
- 1 rep at 20 kg (PR)
- Front Squat-
- Kid’s Muay Thai-
- Same as Tuesday
- Kid’s Jiu Jitsu-
- Same as Tuesday
- BJJ w/ Master Sauer
- Passing the guard from standing
- Adult Muay Thai-
- Boxing 20
- Off Balance in the Clinch
- Kid’s Jiu jItsu-
- Escape from Crossbody (turn on the knees)
- Kid’s Muay Thai-
- Same as Wednesday
- Clinch Work
- Adult Muay Thai-
- Same as Wednesday
- Kali w/ Krysta-
- Single stick basic stroking patterns
- Kid’s Jiu Jitsu
- Review Escapes from Crossbody
- Kid’s Competition Team Practice-
- Sparring
- Q & A
- BJJ Lab w/ Mike
- Maintaining guard
- Counters to guard passing
- Kid’s Competition Team Practice–
- Crossbody Escapes
- Sparring
- BJJ w/ Matt “The Truth”-
- Armdrags from standing
- Armbar from Guard
- Triangle from Guard
- Rolling
- Adult Muay Thai-
- Review from the week