Looking back on 2015 I realized that I always have super big aspirations at the beginning of the year and by the end of it I never accomplished any of them and just disappointing myself….
Browsing Category Theory
Simple Not Easy: Things I wish someone said to me as I started as a white belt.
Simple Not Easy: Things I wish someone said to me as I started as a white belt. I was recently doing a private with a white belt who told me she was afraid to roll…
Backhanded Jiu Jitsu Compliments
When I first started training these were comments people used to say to me when I started. So I figured I would share them with you now. So here are the top 5 backhanded Jiu…
Why Martial Arts?
Why not a lawyer? Or sell wine for a living? Why not knitting or scrapbooking? Why not marriage, 2 kids and a mortgage? I’ll tell you why…I don’t know… When I was 9 I took…