Hello from DeBruyckerland! Things have been busy but great here. Last Friday was my 8 year anniversary of the kid’s Jiu Jitsu program at Pedro Sauer HQ. “When you love what you do you’ll never work a day in your life.” That is probably one of my favorite quotes. I don’t know who said it but I am constantly reminded of it every day when I step onto the mat to teach kids, I have the best job in the world! Most people go to work and are completely drained by the end of the day. I do the complete opposite. I go to work and by the end of class, I’m energized! Doing that every day for the last 8 years hasn’t really felt like a job at all. Sometimes I even think to myself, “they pay me to do this..?” The time has gone by so quickly and not only have I had the chance to do what I love, I have also gotten the chance to watch my students grow up and become amazing young men and women. I am so proud of every single one of my students and look forward to many more years of teaching on the mat.

Monday 5/5/17:
- Daytime-
- Taught Private Lesson
- On White to Blue
- Run (Long Standard Duration)
- 45 minutes
- Rolling in the gi
- Five 5-minute rounds
- Taught Private Lesson
- Evening-
- Taught Kid’s Muay Thai
- Focus on Boxing
- Taught Kid’s Jiu Jitsu
- Punch Block Defense to T-Position
- Crossbody
- Americana from Crossbody
- Taught Adult BJJ Open Rank Class
- Knee Shield Passes
- Taught Kid’s Muay Thai
Tuesday 5/6/17:
- Daytime-
- Strength & Conditioning at Foundational Fitness w/ Adam
- Evening-
- Taught Kid’s Jiu Jitsu
- Crossbody
- Americana from Crossbody
- Kimura from Crossbody
- Rolling in the gi with Matt “The Truth” Perrigo
- 45 minutes
- Taught Adult Muay Thai
- Jab counters
- Taught Kid’s Jiu Jitsu
Wednesday 5/7/17:
- Daytime-
- See Dr. Kris at Beyond Wellness
- Run (Long Standard Duration)
- 40 minutes
- Taught Private Lesson
- Prep for Competition
- Evening-
- Taught Kid’s Muay Thai
- Focus on Boxing
- Taught Kid’s Jiu Jitsu
- Lunging Punch Defense
- Crossbody Escapes
- Affiliate Training Day
- 90 minutes of training in the gi
- Taught Kid’s Muay Thai
Thursday 5/8/17:
- Daytime-
- Taught BJJ
- Guard Passes
- Rolling in the Gi
- Strength and Conditioning at Foundational Fitness w/ Adam
- Taught BJJ
- Evening-
- Taught Kid’s Jiu Jitsu
- Crossbody Escape
- Taught Kid’s Muay Thai
- Boxing
- Taught Adult Muay Thai
- Cross Counters
- Kali w/ Tom
- Double stick drill
- Double stick disarms
- Taught Kid’s Jiu Jitsu
- Daytime-
- Taught Private Lesson
- Muay Thai Fight prep
- Taught Private Lesson
- Evening-
- Taught Kid’s Jiu Jitsu, 8 YEAR ANNIVERSARY CLASS
- Base
- Wrist Grab Escapes
- Bully Battles
- Taught Kid’s Competition Class No Gi
- 8 rounds of sparring for the 8-year anniversary class
- Taught Kid’s Jiu Jitsu, 8 YEAR ANNIVERSARY CLASS
Saturday 5/10/17:
- Daytime-
- Taught Kid’s Competition Class
- Q & A
- BJJ w/ Matt “The Truth” Perrigo
- Headlock escapes
- Mounting from Crossbody
- Rolling
- Taught Adult Muay Thai
- Free Feed Padwork
- Sparring
- Padwork with Patrick
- 3 rounds
- Taught Kid’s Competition Class
Sunday 5/11/17:
- Daytime-
- Cook for the week
- Recipe Test for Foodjitsu Fridays
- Evening-
- Film Episode 8 of Throat Punch Thursday