I had the pleasure of teaching a seminar at Top Level Martial Arts in Ohio on the first weekend of July. I am still fairly new to the seminar circuit so it is always very exciting going to a new place to teach. I love sharing my love of martial arts, especially with kids. So anytime someone wants to bring me in to teach I am extremely grateful.
Got in super late because of a delay in United due to a thunderstorm in Cleveland. Big thanks to Cindy for picking me up from the airport & taking me to my hotel. I ordered in and got a gluten free pizza (total faileo…) and watched reruns of Games of Thrones, living the dream. Ready to teach tomorrow!
Day 2
Bill Jones picked me up from the airport after my breakfast of coffee, that’s a meal, right? Then we headed over to Top Level Martial Arts. Bill has a wonderful school, super clean, organized and full of warmth. You can tell that this is an academy you would want your family to be at. Anyways…showtime!
10 am: Lil Champs
I had a blast working with the Lil Champs. We worked on break falls, stand in base, open guard retention, and my favorite game “touch the head.” The kids completely rocked it and gave lots of energy for the rest of the day.
11 am: Jr Grappler & Black Belt Club
I was so impressed with the kids that came to the second session. They were all super focused and brought their A game to the session. I actually thought all of the kids were much older than they were. I can tell I’m used to the kids on the east coast who happen to be much smaller. We worked on pummeling, two takedowns from under hook/overhook position and knee on belly drills. The kids definitely made me look like I know what I’m talking about.
12 pm: Adults
After the kids, I was all warmed up for the adults. I tried to really focus on conceptual Jiu Jitsu rather than moves. I worked in guard retention against over leg passes, under leg passes and standing passes. Afterward, I rolled with some of the guys that asked me to train. Which anyone who knows me knows that I never turn down a roll if someone asks, even if they are 100 lbs heavier. It was a lot of fun and all the guys were super respectful. I was also glad to hear that even some of the bigger and more advanced guys got something out of training with a female brown belt.
Women’s Open Mat
After I was done with my seminar Bill took me to lunch so I could get some calories in me before the women’s open mat. When we were done we headed back to Top Level so I could get ready for the women’s open mat. The open mat was to raise money for My Bruises Are From Jiu Jitsu, which is a non-profit organization to help raise awareness about domestic abuse.Unknown to me there was another women’s open mat in Columbus earlier that day so I wasn’t expecting a huge turnout, luckily that wasn’t the case. So I want to say special thanks to all the women who went to both open mats that day. I was so happy to be apart of this event and to help raise money for this non-profit. I met and trained with some amazing women. They were all super respectful and there was a great energy on the mat. It was so refreshing to see so much more women train jiu jitsu than when I started. All and all it was a pretty amazing day!
Day 3
Back to Top Level to teach some private lessons. Taught for about 3 hours then Cindy took me back to the airport. She’s the best! I had a Great time in Ohio and I want to thank Bill Jones for having me in, Cindy for driving me, and to everyone who came to the seminar and open mat.
Can’t wait to see you next year!