I do! It’s Kristen Debruycker with Throat Punch Thursday and today we’re covering knife defense. Ever seen A Nightmare on Elm St? Since a knife disarm technique won’t work with a glove, we’re going to…
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Debruyckerland: Weekend Review plus Kid’s Belt Test and Buddy Bash
For those of you who don’t know October is National Bullying Prevention Month. Usually when kids come in this is one of the main concerns of parents. Or its to give their kids discipline, respect, lose…
Throat Punch Thursday Episode 24: Is It Friday Yet?
No, it’s Throat Punch Thursday and we are kicking off the Halloween season dealing with horror film’s greatest slashers and what you should do to defeat them. We are starting off with Jason from Friday the…
Throat Punch Thursday Episode 25: Is That You Michael?
No, it’s just Paul. He keeps thinking that he’s Michael Myers. This happens a lot. Especially during Halloween. It’s Kristen DeBruycker here with episode 25 of Throat Punch Thursday. In this episode, we show you…
Travel and Training: My Trip to Albany and the Rickson Gracie Cup.
While my friends and training partners were getting ready for the DC Open they kept telling me “You should do it!” Now I hardly trained at all this past summer. Besides Thai Camp, I mostly…
Foodjitsu Fridays: Review of Green Chef
Happy Foodjitsu Friday! I know it’s been a while since I’ve done a Foodjitsu post but my life keeps getting in the way…BOO! Cooking has been put on the back burner while training, teaching, and…
Throat Punch Thursday Episode 23: Do Leg Kicks Win Fights?
Today we’re having some Jean Claude Van Damme fun! Can you guess which movie? Kickboxer? Bloodsport? Lionheart? No!!!! We’re doing the quest. You know, the one with Roger Moore! Paul thinks all of Van Damme’s…
Throat Punch Thursday Episode 22: Is That a Jean Jacket?
Yes, it is! I came alive this week with while wearing that jean jacket. I trying to harness my inner Billy Jack/Bryan Mossey. And I think I was successful…but back to the technique (we do…
Throat Punch Thursday Episode 21: Why Are You Butt Scooting?
Why have I not done a Brazilian JIu Jitsu episode yet? Well…everyone and their mother puts out an instructional video about some cool move that would look great on a highlight reel. So I have…
Throat Punch Thursday Episode 20: Do These Things Ever Go Off?
Don’t you know there is a war on? How is it that you are going west? Well…you head north then all real sudden like turn left…at least that’s what I learned from watching Last of…